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Automate Your Newsletter with Make.com and AITable

Staying consistent with your email marketing can be challenging. However, with the right automation tools, you can simplify the process and save valuable time. This blog will guide you through the steps to automate your newsletter using Make.com and AITable, ensuring you maintain a steady flow of engaging content while minimizing manual effort.

Why Automate Your Newsletter?

Automating your newsletter can lead to numerous benefits:

  • Consistency: Regular newsletters keep your audience engaged and informed.
  • Efficiency: Automation reduces the time spent on repetitive tasks.
  • Personalization: Tailor your content to reflect your unique voice and tone.
  • Scalability: Easily manage multiple newsletter topics and campaigns without additional overhead.

Getting Started with AITable

AITable is a powerful tool that simplifies workflow automation. To set up your newsletter automation, first create an AITable account and set up your data structure. Here’s a basic outline of what your AITable should include:

  • Topic: The subject of your newsletter.
  • Subject Line: The headline that will attract readers.
  • Newsletter Copy: The main content of your newsletter.
  • Call to Action Link: A link that directs readers to a specific action, such as booking a call or purchasing a product.
  • Status: To track progress (e.g., queue, in progress, draft, posted).

Setting Up Your Automation Flow

Now that your AITable is set up, let’s dive into the automation process using Make.com. This platform allows you to create workflows that connect various applications and services.

1. Create a New Scenario

Start by creating a new scenario in Make.com. This scenario will handle the automation of your newsletter process. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Trigger: Set up a trigger that activates when a new record is added or an existing record is updated in AITable.
  2. Filter: Use filters to ensure that only records with a specific status (e.g., “queue”) are processed.
  3. Iterator: Implement an iterator to handle each record one at a time, preventing the scenario from overwhelming your system.

2. Update Record Status

As your newsletter progresses through the automation, update the status in AITable. For example, when a newsletter is being drafted, change the status from “queue” to “in progress.” This helps you keep track of what stage each newsletter is in.

3. Generate Subject Lines and Newsletter Copy

Integrate AI tools like ChatGPT to generate compelling subject lines and newsletter content. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Use a detailed prompt that instructs the AI to create a subject line based on the topic from your AITable record.
  • Ensure the AI understands your desired tone by providing examples and specific instructions.
  • Generate the newsletter copy, ensuring it aligns with your voice and the topic at hand.

4. Format the Newsletter

Formatting is crucial for ensuring your newsletter looks professional. Specify in your prompts that the AI should avoid certain formatting issues, such as repeating the subject line or using all caps in headings.

5. Update AITable with Generated Content

Once the subject line and newsletter copy are generated, update the corresponding fields in AITable. This keeps all your data in one place and allows for easy access later.

Running the Automation

After setting up your scenario, it’s time to run the automation. Click the “Run Once” button in Make.com to test the flow. You should see your records being processed one by one, with statuses updating accordingly.

For instance, if you have a record titled “Building Relationships through Weekly Newsletters,” the automation will generate a subject line like “Boost Connection with Weekly Newsletters Today” and create compelling content for that topic.

Post-Automation Steps

Once your newsletter draft is ready, you can review and edit the content as needed. After approval, you have the option to publish it directly to your email service provider, such as ConvertKit, or schedule it for later.

If you’re interested in expanding your automation further, consider integrating social media posting. This allows you to promote your newsletter effectively once it’s published.


Automating your newsletter with AITable and Make.com can significantly enhance your email marketing efforts. By streamlining the process, you can focus on creating valuable content while ensuring consistency and engagement with your audience.

If you found this guide helpful and want to learn more about specific automations or need help implementing these tools, feel free to reach out or leave a comment below!

Ready to get started? Check out AITable.ai to simplify your workflow automation today!

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