This year has thrown us so many unexpected loops and hurdles just to stay safe and make a decent living. My New Years’ resolutions for 2020 have gone out the window, down the river, and out into the ocean. Even though 2020 hasn’t been what I expected going into it, it has had some unexpected benefits.
Because of the pandemic, I finally found the courage to feel ok leaving a job that didn’t align with my needs anymore as a mother, creative, free-spirit, and leader. I had been contemplating leaving my job to pursue my nursing business (ReNursing Edu) full-time right before the pandemic hit and then I was furloughed.
I saw my furlough as a sign from God that it was the right time for me to go into entrepreneurship full-time. Since I’ve been able to work on my own thing since being home, I’ve found my relationship with my 2-year-old daughter is much closer and I’m relishing every moment.
She still attends daycare during the day since I’m a single mom juggling two businesses and I worried about her development if I took her out of the center I’ve had her at since she was 6 weeks, but I have freedom now when deciding how much time she is actually there.
Just last week, I took her in late because we were doing early morning manicures and watching Minnie Mouse without stressing out that I’m going to be late for work. I’m able to get her dinner prepped before I pick her up and keep her on a routine. Sometimes I don’t even take her in so we can do things like mommy-daughter pics or go to the park.
I’m still in the early days of full-time entrepreneurship, but feel like this was the best decision for myself and my daughter. As a single mom by choice, I found that I spent too much of my daughter’s younger years at a job that didn’t bring me joy nor did they appreciate me.
I know many moms are in the same position I was in earlier this year. Moms wonder what they can do from home so they can spend more time with their kids when they are small. Because I know the struggle and am proof that you can have profitable home business, I’ve decided to outline exactly how I transitioned from my nurse practitioner job to a full-time web designer (with no prior web design experience!).
The Digital Escape course focuses on the business and tech side of a web design business. I share how to find a niche, get your first clients, how to charge, and actually how to design websites from scratch…with no prior design experience or coding necessary! The course has 10 modules and about 30 lessons to take you from your 9-5 to your own web design business.
Enrollment for the course won’t begin until spring of 2021, but I’m opening up the waitlist so you can sign-up and be updated along the way. If you’re interested in learning how to be a web designer, have flexibility to spend time with your kids, and charge $3,000+ per project, sign-up below!
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